Manipur High Court

According to the North Eastern Area (Re-organization) Act, 1971, a common High Court was set up for the five North-Eastern States Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya Nagaland, and Tripura and the two Union Territories the Union Territory of Arunachal Pradesh and Union Territory of Mizoram known as the Gauhati High Court. On 21st January, 1972 when Manipur attained Statehood, the Imphal Bench of the Gauhati High Court came into existence. On 14th March 1992 Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. H. Kania inaugurated the Permanent Bench at Imphal. Mr. Chintamani Panigrahi, the then Governor of Manipur and Hon’ble Mr. Justice U.L. Bhat ,the then Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court were also present during the inauguration.

Hon’ble Shri Justice Y.K.Sabharwal, laid the Foundation Stone for the new building of High Court at Mantripukhri on 30th April, 2006. On 3rd December 2011 after the completion of the newly constructed High Court Building at Mantripukhri, Dr.Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson, UPA inaugurated the high court. Later, on 7th April 2012 Hon’ble Shri Justice Altamas Kabir, inaugurated the functioning of the Imphal Permanent Bench at the new Complex.

Courts in Manipur

The parliament on 16th May 2012 passed a bill amending the North Eastern Areas Re-organisation Act. According to the amendment Act, the High Court of Manipur could come into existence on the date to be determined by the Central Government. And accordingly, on 23rd March, 2013 the High Court of Manipur came into existence.

On 23rd March 2013, Hon’ble Shri Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre was appointed as the first Chief Justice of the High Court of Manipur. Hon’ble Shri Justice Altamas Kabir, on 25th March, 2013, formally inaugurated the Manipur High Court.

Chief Justice and Judges of Manipur High Court

Hon’ble Mr.Justice Laxmi Kanta Mohapatra
Designation: Chief Justice, Manipur High court
Phone no: 0385-2423324 (O), 0385-2452961 (R)

Justice N. Kotiswar Singh
Designation: Judge, Manipur High court
Phone no: 0385-2423326 (O), 0385-2410763 (R)

Contact Address:
High Court of Manipur,
Address: At Imphal Mantripukhri– 795002,
Phone no: 0385-2423021
Fax: 0385-2423014
Email id: [email protected]

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