Flights from Imphal

The Imphal international Airport is the third busiest airport in Northeast. The Imphal airport connects Imphal and the rest of Manipur to other important Indian cities like Kolkata, Guwahati and Delhi and also to the regional airports such as Aizawl, Silchar and Agartala. Below are mentioned the names of the operating flights from Imphal to these cities along with their flight numbers and other details.

Flights from Imphal to Guwahati

Flights from Imphal
Flight num: AI890
Departure time: 15:45
Arrival time: 17:00
Days: mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun

Flight num: 6E222
Departure time: 09:45
Arrival time: 10:40
Days: mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun

Flight num: 6E128
Departure time: 12:00
Arrival time: 12:50
Days: mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun

Flight num: 9W2364
Departure time: 13:05
Arrival time: 13:55
Days: mon/wed/fri/sat/sun

Flight num: 9W2877
Departure time: 10:10
Arrival time: 11:10

The flight rates from Imphal to Guwhati are between Rs 3000 to Rs 5000 (Approx)

Flights from Imphal to Kolkata

Flight num: AI713
Departure time: 13:05
Arrival time: 15:20
Days: mon/tue/thu/sat

Flight num: AI711
Departure time: 14:05
Arrival time: 15:20

Flight num: 6E362
Departure time: 13:55
Arrival time: 16:20
Days: tue/wed/fri/sun


Flight num: 6E358
Departure time: 15:05
Arrival time: 16:25

Flight num: 9W2364
Departure time: 13:05
Arrival time: 15:50
Days: mon/tue/wed/fri/sat/sun/sun

The flight rates from Imphal to Kolkata are between Rs 3000 to Rs 6000 (Approx)

Flights from Imphal to Delhi

Flight num: AI890
Departure time: 15:45
Arrival time: 20:40
Days: mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun

Flight num: 6E222
Departure time: 09:45
Arrival time: 14:00
Days: mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun

Flight num: 6E128
Departure time: 12:00
Arrival time: 16:10
Days: mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun
The flight rates from Imphal to Delhi are between Rs 4000 to Rs 8000 (Approx)

Flights from Imphal to Silchar

Flight num: AI9708
Departure time: 08:40
Arrival time: 09:15

Flight num: 9W2877
Departure time: 10:10
Arrival time: 12:25

The flight rates from Imphal to Silchar are between Rs 3000 to Rs 6000 (Approx)

Flights from Imphal to Agartala

Flight num: 6E362
Departure time: 13:55
Arrival time: 14:50
Days: tue/wed/fri/sun

The flight rates from Imphal to Agartala are between Rs 2000 to Rs 4000 (Approx)

Flights from Imphal to Aizawl

Flight num: AI713
Departure time: 13:05
Arrival time: 13:45
Days: mon/tue/thu/sat

The flight rates from Imphal to Aizawl are between Rs 4000 to Rs 8000 (Approx)

Flights from Imphal to Pune

Flight num: 9W2364
Departure time: 13:05
Arrival time: 21:10
Days: mon/tue/wed/fri/sat

The flight rates from Imphal to Pune are between Rs 7000 to Rs 10000 (Approx)

Flights from Imphal to Bangalore

Flight num: 9W2364
Departure time: 13:05
Arrival time: 19:10
Days: mon/wed/tue/fri/sat

The flight rates from Imphal to Bangalore are between Rs 7000 to Rs 12000 (Approx)

P.S : The flight timings and the flight ticket rates are subject to change.

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